BEF Community Engagement and Networking Snapshot

Monthly Subscription: $200.00

One-Time Setup Fee: $100 (first month only)

At Business Empire Financial (BEF), we understand the importance of building a strong community and effective networking for business growth. Our Community Engagement and Networking Snapshot is designed to help businesses enhance their community presence, foster valuable connections, and improve overall engagement through strategic networking initiatives.

Target Audience

Our Community Engagement and Networking Snapshot is ideal for:

Companies looking to build strong community connections and enhance engagement through effective networking strategies.


• Online Community Management Tools

• Create and manage vibrant online communities.

• Utilize platforms to foster interaction and engagement.

• Monitor community activity and provide support.

• Event Promotion and Management

• Plan and promote engaging virtual and in-person events. • Automate event registration and follow-up communications.

• Track event participation and gather feedback.

• Automated Webinar Registration

• Set up automated systems for webinar registration.

• Send reminders and follow-ups to increase attendance.

• Integrate with existing webinar platforms.

• Follow-Up Sequences

• Develop automated follow-up sequences to maintain engagement.

• Utilize email and SMS reminders to keep participants engaged.

• Track and analyze follow-up performance to optimize strategies.

• Networking Opportunities

• Facilitate connections through mastermind groups and networking events.

• Create opportunities for peer-to-peer learning and collaboration.

• Offer exclusive access to networking groups and events.

Implementation Process

Initial Set-up (First Month)

Initial Consultation

Objective: Understand your business needs and goals.

Action: Schedule a consultation to discuss your current community engagement and networking strategies and identify areas for improvement.

Setup and Customization

Objective: Tailor the Community Engagement and Networking Snapshot to your specific needs.


•Create and configure up to 3 online community platforms.

•Plan and promote up to 3 events.

•Set up automated webinar registration systems.

•Develop follow-up sequences for event and community engagement.

•Identify and facilitate networking opportunities.

Automation and Integration

Implement automated systems to streamline community management and event promotion.


•Automate event registration and follow-ups.

•Integrate with existing community and webinar platforms.

Training and Support

Objective: Ensure you and your team can effectively use the new systems.


•Provide comprehensive training on using the community engagement and networking tools.

•Offer ongoing support to address any questions or issues.

Monthly Maintenance and Optimization

Ongoing Support and Adjustments

Objective: Continuously improve the effectiveness of your community engagement and networking strategies.


•Monitor the performance of community platforms and events.

•Analyze data and make necessary adjustments to optimize results.

•Provide up to 2 new event promotions each month based on client requests.

•Update follow-up sequences and community management strategies.

•Offer up to 5 hours of additional customization and support per month based on client requests.

What's Included

• Online Community Management Tools

• Setup and configuration of 3 platforms in the first month

• Event Promotion and Management

• Plan and promote 3 events in the first month

• 2 additional event promotions per month thereafter

• Automated Webinar Registration

• Setup and implementation in the first month

• Follow-Up Sequences • Initial setup in the first month

• Monthly updates based on client needs

• Networking Opportunities

• Initial Consultation and Setup

• Comprehensive Training and Ongoing Support

• Monthly Maintenance and Optimization

• Up to 5 hours of customization and support each month

How To Get Started

1.Contact Us

Reach out to schedule your initial consultation.

2.Setup and Customize

We'll work with you to tailor the snapshot to your needs.

3.Automate and Integrate

Implement the new systems and start enhancing your community engagement and networking efforts.

4.Train and Support

Receive training and ongoing support to ensure success.

5.Monitor and Optimize

Continuously improve your community engagement and networking strategies.

Contact us today to get started with BEF’s Community Engagement and Networking Snapshot and take the first step towards building strong community connections and effective networking strategies.

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